Chinese rice papers, also known as Xuan paper or Shuen paper and 宣纸 (Xuān zhǐ) in Chinese, are prone to becoming mouldy due to its material compound which are often made up of plant fibres. Its sensitivity to moisture also plays a part, especially in a high humidity environment like Singapore.
Unlike museums, most of us do not store artworks in an environment with controlled temperature and humidity, thus moulding can be inevitable. The mould spots however can be removed with restoration treatments done by professional art restorers.
The restoration work for chinese rice paper can be a risky process if the restorer lacks the necessary knowledge of the techniques and material involved. We work with professional restorers who are equipped with years of experience in restoring Chinese rice paper calligraphy and painting. Here is the range of services that they provide:
- Re-mount artwork on scroll or silk
- Repair tears and cracks on artwork
- Clean and remove mold on artwork
- Remove foxing (yellow spots), watermarks, stains or damage by insects
The extent and cost of restoration depends on the severity of damage which can be determined when you bring the artwork down to us for assessment.
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Before and after restoration to reduce mould spots