Personal photographs
A good way to decorate your home is to put up personal photographs on your wall. This could be candid snaps with your kids or holiday photos with your partner. They will give your space a personal and cozy feel.
When deciding on which photographs to put up, here are some criterias you can consider:
- Make sure the resolution is adequate for the size of the photographs as low-resolution photographs will not look good
- If you’re looking to have a series of photographs, it will be good to decide on a theme. It could be holiday photos, wedding photos, photos with similar colour themes or simply photographs that are taken outdoors. This way they’ll look homogeneous in your space.
Choosing the right frame can greatly beautify your photograph. You can trust us to come up with a design that will look amazing for your treasured memories!
Framing methods
There are several ways to frame photographs. The most economical method is direct framing where the frame comes directly to the edge of the photograph, no matboards are used and the glazing will rest directly on it. This is not the most protective method as you risk having the photograph stick onto the glazing over time because of our humid climate, or mould transfers from the glazing to the photograph. It is usually suitable only for photographs of no commercial value, or those which are reprintable.

Framed using direct framing method
Framing with matboard is the most popular framing option where the matboard provides visual breathing space around your photograph and the result is more aesthetically pleasing. It also helps to lift the glazing away from the photograph, which will prevent mould transfers and the photo from sticking to the glazing over time.

Framing with the use of matboards
An interesting framing method is double glass. This is where two pieces of glass sandwich the photograph. In order not to have the glass resting directly on the photograph, we will add spacers or a matboard. This way, this method of framing can still have conservation properties.

Framing with the use of double glass
For a more meaningful display piece, we can create a shadow box frame to include your sentimental objects with the photographs. Personalised engraved plates can also be added to commemorate special occasions and dates. Every shadow box frame design is customised to your specifications and design aesthetics.

Shadow box framing for objects with addition of engraved plates
If you are looking to have a series of photographs, there are two ways to go about it. You can either have the photos individually framed, or you can create a collage within one frame. This can be achieved either by digital collaging methods where you can use an app or a design program to create the collage, or you can bring your photographs to us and we can create multiple window openings in the matboard to house them. Digital collages will be more economical as the framing method would be simpler than creating multiple window openings.

Creating photo collages digitally or with multiple window openings
To make your collage more interesting, you can even float mount the photographs to give it a 3D look. For more framing examples to get inspired, click here.

Photo collage using float mounting method
It is good practice to include matboards when framing photographs, so that the glazing will not rest directly on the artwork. This helps to prevent damage by condensation caused by our humid climate, which will result in your photograph sticking to the glass or mould transfers from the glass to your photograph. For better preservation of the artwork, we have options for acid-free matboards, pH-neutral alpha cellulose museum boards, inert and acid-free backing boards.
Photographs are especially sensitive to light. For a good example of this, you can take a look at your old photographs at home. They might not be placed in direct sunlight but it will be obvious that even so, substantial colour fading would have occurred. To protect colours from fading, we also offer these glazing options with UV protection:
- Plexiglas® UV100 (99.7% UV protection, shatter resistant)
- TruVue Conservation Clear® Glass (99% UV protection)
- Artglass AR 99 Water White (99% UV protection, anti-reflective)
- Artglass Lifetime Acrylic / TruVue Optium Museum Acrylic® (99% UV protection, anti-reflective, abrasion resistant, anti-static, shatter resistant)
To find out more about conservation methods, click here.
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